University Cancer and Blood Center

119 Harmony Crossing, Suite 1, Eatonton, GA 31024
P: (706) 353-2990
F: (706) 353-2992
Monday 9:00AM – 4:00PM


The most important thing for you to know is that University Cancer & Blood Center has been taking care of people with cancer just like you or your loved one since 1982. You have the benefit of treatment close to home from highly regarded physicians who trained at the nation’s finest cancer centers – including MD Anderson in Houston; Georgetown University in Washington, DC; the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Cornell, and some of the most esteemed military hospitals in the country.

Using state-of-the-art cancer therapies, we offer each patient hope, healing and compassion. Everyone at UCBC is committed to NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center standards of excellence for patient care.

As the community’s oldest medical and radiation oncology group, we treasure our relationship with each person who puts his or her trust in our medical expertise. It’s a trust we accept with honor and humility. And we want you to know what we do to earn that trust.

Here’s what you can expect from us:

  • Coordination of Care between you and UCBC medical and radiation oncologists and other specialists as needed to discuss treatment plans, related issues and progress;
  • Oncologists who always take calls – 24 hours a day, seven days a week – for patients in the hospital or at home;
  • A clinic that is open each weekday to monitor patient blood counts for optimum treatment scheduling and to provide IV fluids and medications that help reduce ER visits between treatments;
  • An onsite COLA-certified lab, a patient-oriented pharmacy and full-time social workers;
  • Clinical trials of NCI cooperative group and pharmaceutical company therapies for medically eligible patients in the Athens clinic.
  • We believe that as new discoveries move from the laboratory to the clinic, our patients – like those in New York, Houston, Birmingham or Boston – are entitled to the best therapies medical science can provide;
  • Physicians who spend time listening to patients with respect and addressing their needs and fears with honesty;
  • We have seven locations including five satellite offices and two main locations in Athens;
  • An ethic that values second opinions — especially from NCI Comprehensive Cancer Centers;
  • Participation in nearly every insurance plan, Medicare and Medicaid as well as pro bono care for indigent patients;
  • A belief that everyone, regardless of income, is entitled to medical care. We have never turned away an uninsured patient;
  • Appreciation for integrative care to treat the whole person. We support complementary therapies such as acupuncture, nutritional programs and meditation. We encourage patients to take advantage of appropriate genetic testing, health education and financial counseling. Our full-time social worker can help patients navigate the complex emotions and issues of cancer diagnosis and treatment;
  • An understanding that although more and more people who cannot be cured will live with treatment for cancer as a chronic disease, there are times when therapy no longer works. When that happens, our focus on palliative care and aggressive pain management is widely appreciated;
  • An entire staff devoted to maintaining each patient’s quality of life including hugs and openness to the diversity of patient views about life, religion, health and healing — all of which supports treatment compliance.

As associate clinical professors of medicine at the Georgia Health Science University, we are pleased to help train the next generation of doctors. Along with our patients and families, we hope to inspire the best and the brightest of them to join us in the challenging world of oncology and hematology patient care and research.

Finally, like our patients, their families and friends, we love Northeast Georgia and its people. This is our home, too, and we are invested in it for the long term.


VNG Evaluations

Balance & Dizziness Clinic


Dr. Kimberly Hoffman of Advanced Audiology & Hearing Care and Brian E Prell, MSPT, RRT of Rehabilitation and Performance Center are committed to the assessment and treatment of balance related disorders.  Diagnosing the underlying cause of dizziness is a complex problem often requiring several tests that are collectively referred to as a balance function assessment.

Our state-of-the-art facility includes the most sophisticated Videonystagmography (VNG) and Rotary Chair tests in the state of Georgia.  We are thrilled to have this caliber of diagnostic equipment in our clinic coupled with personalized and specific treatment plans of balance rehabilitation to help patients with vertigo and non-vertigo related dizziness.

What is the VNG evaluation?  Videonystagmography (VNG) is a complete diagnostic system for recording and analyzing involuntary eye movements using video imaging technology.

What is Rotary Chair Testing?  Rotary Chair Testing is the gold standard for the diagnosis of bilateral (both) vestibular loss and tells us whether or not the brain has compensated for a loss of inner ear function on one side.  The rotary chair is used with VNG testing to increase accuracy.


Learn all about how to get your life back in balance by calling 706.453.2119

For More Information: