Harmony Medical Foundation is currently on hiatus.

Interested in becoming a board member? Looking to bring your nonprofit experience to Lake Country? We’d love to share our mission with you & discuss opportunities.


Our mission: Harmony Medical Foundation dedicates its resources to improve the accessibility of preventative and quality healthcare to local residents and the neighboring communities we serve.

Accessible – Patients have access to the healthcare they need without traveling outside of the local area.

Preventative – Lifestyle medicine programs that will increase the patient’s knowledge, skills, and confidence to adapt and maintain a healthy lifestyle. A specific focus will be given to the aging population and most underserved.

Quality – Improve the number of local independent healthcare providers focused on patient care, patient services, and patient satisfaction. By engaging and involving the patient, our medical professionals can partner together to take ownership in preventive care as well as the treatment of diagnosed conditions.

Outreach – Supporting the medical needs of our underserved, neighboring counties.

Putnam County and its surrounding 25-mile radius of neighboring counties are in need of primary care physicians. The ratio of primary care physicians to residents in this area is 1 to 3,100. With continued population growth, the number of residents in need will continue to dramatically increase. Primary care is the first line of defense for every medical issue.

Opportunity: Having access to quality healthcare has never been more important than now. For communities to thrive, especially as their populations continue to grow, having primary care physicians, specialists and quality medical services close by is essential. Harmony Medical Foundation now has the exciting opportunity to partner with Mercer Medicine, who develop sustainable independent models for healthcare in rural areas of Georgia.

Email info@vharmonycrossing.com for information.